Good Friday. I write about the name of this day each year so I'm sure you're all sick of me doing it but honestly, who came up with it? It's a terrible day and it irritates me that they call it "good." And if the person who named was referring to the outcome, is "good" really the best they could do? Jesus was beaten four HOURS and eventually murdered for our sins! A sinless man, murdered...FOR ME AND YOU! A crown of thorns was smashed into his head! On the third day, praise the Lord, we know that He rose again! If they are referring to the ending, shouldn't it be like, FABULOUS FRIDAY? Or FANTASTIC FREAKY FRIDAY? Obviously they needed me and my word play back in the day to spice it up a little. Good Friday. Good only that we know the ending which is FAN FREAKING TASTIC! Thank you Jesus!
Today in the Episcopal faith and others, is a total fasting day. The Cowboy has already given me a speech about this very issue this morning. "Listen, we all need to keep our immune systems up right now. I understand it's Good Friday but I need you to eat." Well Cowboy, I get your concern. I really do. But, I think at this particular time, prayer with fasting is probably EXACTLY what we need to be doing, immune systems or not! So, you do you, and I'll do me. God has this.
We've had some scary stuff going on around K&T Cattle Company the past week. My daughter was very sick and finally went to the doctor because her chest was hurting so bad. She only had a very low fever but a cough, very tired, and the chest thing and so we were very concerned. She said it was terrifying the way she had to wait in the car and then a person in a hazmat suit came out and escorted her in, she also wearing something over her head, into the building. Because her symptoms were not severe enough, they would not test her. This is the part of this virus that is making us all nuts! WE HAVE NO IDEA IF WE HAVE IT BECAUSE THEY WON'T TEST YOU UNTIL YOU'RE TRYING TO DIE. Or if you are a tiger or a movie star or the president. The President, I get. The others? Ummm no. It's insane. And so then your mind starts playing tricks on you, which I'm completely convinced is the devil. He loves to put the doubts and fears in your mind. Stress of all of this is what is making most of us sick! And nuts! We've all now had some of the symptoms and I'm not convinced it's not just stress. And allergies and hormones! I can't tell if I have a fever or am having a hot flash! It's maddening! And the not getting to see each other is the part making me the most nuts. I'd kill to hug my tinies and to go to church again. I have to be honest though, I hope it was the virus and we are done with it. I really do. I'd like to just get it over with at this point. And I have prayed and prayed and prayed. I have candles burning constantly on my make shift alter. I have even started to attempt to burn incense. Wow could I use a thurifer about now. I had no idea the blowing involved in the burning of incense. It's exhausting! And we need to save our breath right now! And why do I know the word thurifer?
My husband has taken every precaution under the sun to keep his employees, us and our extended family safe. We are forbidden to leave the premises. I snuck Easter gifts to my tinies the other day and left them outside so even if I did have it, the germs won't live for days! I hadn't touched the stuff in a week before transport. He'd probably choke me to death if he found out. He is now working in a storage building behind his office and now our horse trailer is on the premises so he has a private bathroom. He has researched this to the point of craziness and has now poured all of us with cattle wormer. I have to be honest, my daughter felt better the next day. I got a terrible headache for the next about 36 hours or so but feel great now. It's kind of weird. He's also has us all taken about 37 vitamins. We may mutate into superheroes before this is over. Or cows.
In the Bible study I lead, this past week in Daniel Chapter 9, Beth Moore compares Daniel 9:20-23 to Isaiah 65:24. It says, “While they are still speaking, I will hear.” Let that sink in for a minute. The angel came to Daniel “while I was speaking and praying...while I was still speaking in prayer.” He didn’t even get the words out of his mouth before God was hearing and already answering him! God hears His people! We have to keep praying.
In Psalm 141:1-2 David didn’t have incense and so instead, he offered up prayer. He didn’t have an evening sacrifice and so he lifted up his hands!” Ladies and gentlemen, we can too! We are limited on supplies at the moment but God hears our prayers even before we finish them!!! Isn't that awesome??? And we don't need any of those things anymore anyway, thanks to Jesus!
SO START PRAYING! THANK HIM for your many blessings big and small! Light your candles if you want to. I bet God still enjoys the smells. Lift your arms high or lay face down on the floor and talk to God like never before. Talk to Him standing up! JUST TALK TO HIM! He is your Father! He hears you before you even finish your sentence! Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'll never complain about having to go anywhere again! I'd even be willing to go to watch NASCAR right now! And, maybe pour your hands with a little Ivomec. I mean, it can't hurt.