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You Do You, I'll Do Me.

Writer's picture: Trish CharlestonTrish Charleston

Romans 14 : 1-13 says "Now accept the one who is weak in faith, but not for the purpose of passing judgment on his opinions. One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only. The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him, Who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stand or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.

One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the Lord, and he who eats, does so for the Lord, and he gives thanks to God. For not one of us lives for himself, and not one dies for himself; for if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.

But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we will all stand before the judgement seat of God. For it is written,

"As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall give praise to God."

So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this - not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brothers's way."

As a rancher, when I read the first part of this Scripture, I immediately thought about the the beef debate. All meat actually. I chuckled at the part that says "he who is weak eats vegetables only." I thought, "Man I'm using this at the next vegan debate!" Not very Jesus like I know. The poor vegetarians get so much flack from us country folk. If we raise it or shoot it, we expect you to eat it. Especially if we serve it! I get it. Beef. It's what's for dinner. But the scripture really has very little to do with meat and a lot to do with EVERYTHING else.

As I read on, I had some real bad flash backs when I got to the "stumbling block for others" part, remembering the speech I got years ago from a former church member about the way I lived. It got me all kinds of emotional all over again. And with that horrible memory, came my thoughts. You do you people, I'll do me.

As I studied this over and over, I began to think about the current state of our country. Our politics, the masks, the social distancing, all of it. The constant division is exhausting and it's just wrong. Here's what I understand this passage to mean. I think it's quite simple really. What's good for you, isn't necessarily good for me. And what's bad for you, isn't bad for me. I can have a few drinks and not be an alcoholic, but my best friend cannot. She has an addictive personality and therefore, has to refrain. I get it. And so I don't drink with her. Does she care if I do? No, but there comes the "stumbling block" part. Don't encourage others when you know that is their weakness. Help them keep their own covenants with God.

I can eat meat and not get sick, or feel bad about it, but I have friends who cannot. Some people feel like it's simply not right and that is fine for them. I'm not gonna lie. After reading the Old Testament, pork, shrimp and oysters make me uncomfortable now. They really do and I know that those laws are no more but it all kind of gives me the willies. And bacon is my favorite food group.

Some people can live in giant houses and feel fine about it. I feel convicted to stay in a small one. I felt so guilty buying a new car and I still don't feel settled about that one. It's something I'm working out with God even as we speak. And that's a funny story for another time. "We" got a new car. It's "God's" new car. That's how I'm soothing my wretched soul with that purchase. It's not working at all by the way.

I don't feel like I need to wear a mask. I'm feeding cows. I'm not a surgeon. In fact, I feel very convicted not to. I'm not in your face. I'm staying six feet away. I wash my hands. I'm doing my part. I feel like that by wearing a mask, I'm living in fear and not trusting God. I disagree very much about the masks. The Bible says too many times to count "do not fear" and to me, that mask is fear. Now will I wear one if I'm sick? Of course! Actually, I'll do you one better. I won't leave my house! I will not be the cause of the spread of the virus. But, if God wants me to die from Covid 19, I will die and there is not one thing I can do about it. Will I wear a mask around you if you ask? Of course. Will I make fun of you if you wear one? No! Will I wear one if it's mandated? Yes, with regard to the mask, because even Jesus said "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's" and I'm assuming that doesn't just apply to taxes. Now with regard to the vaccine or a potential chip in my arm? Does it perhaps say 666 on my forehead too? Well that's a different deal entirely and no thank you. I will be living in the woods before anybody chips or tattoos me but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Yikes.

Will you wear a mask near my new grand baby? Yes. And so will I. Actually, the doctor said that The Cowboy and I are the only safe people to be around the child because we have actually had the virus but that's a whole other debate. Nobody knows enough about this virus to know what to say or do. That's the simple truth. They say nobody is allowed to kiss his face. Can you imagine that? I am not allowed to kiss the face of my first grandchild. It's more than heartbreaking. It's shattering. We are living in strange times but I know God has a plan and I will trust Him.

And I know this. Every single one of us have a different, unique, fingerprint for a reason. There are no two people alike on the whole planet. Not even twins. You're relationship with God is not mine. You have a very special bond with your creator that is yours and yours alone. Nobody can take it away from you! Your agreements with God, are not my agreements. Your timing, is not my timing. Your ways, are not my ways. Your promises are not my promises. Your conditions, are not my conditions. And most importantly, your judgment of me and mine of you, well they simply don't matter. So stop it. The only judgment that matters, is God's.

When Jesus died on the cross, the laws were erased with his blood. Do you understand that? That means that our only job in this life right now, after you've accepted Jesus as your savior, is to build a meaningful relationship with your Lord by prayer and by serving others. I didn't say it's an easy job but it's your only job. It's the only job that matters because some day you get to be accountable for it. And believe me, this job performance evaluation is going to be much different than the ones you've been accustomed to here on earth. It's not a matter of losing your job. It's a matter of losing your eternity.

I will say it again. My relationship with God is not your relationship with God. My rules with God, are not your rules. But here's the deal. You have to figure out what they are and stick to them! Stand by your convictions. You are able to figure out what they are by lot of prayer, fasting and supplication. And then you wait. You listen carefully and quietly for that still, small voice. It doesn't come in the form of a burning bush for most of us. What happens to me most of the time is that I immediately feel very uncomfortable in doing certain things. Other times I just feel very sure one way or another. Well guess what, that's the Holy Spirit convicting your heart that this particular thing, is or is not for you. It's actually pretty cool when you think about it.

So let's start this new year with a new perspective and realize that we are all wonderfully, uniquely, different and embrace each other's differences and learn from them rather than being scared of one another. Fear nothing. Live! Love! And laugh because this is it folks. This is your one and only life. You be you. You do you and I'll do me and let's see how happy we will be.

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